Description: An attacker with the iam:SetDefaultPolicyVersion permission may be able to escalate privileges through existing policy versions that are not currently in use. If a policy that they have access to has versions that are not the default, they would be able to change the default version to any other existing version.
AWS Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities
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Potential Impact: The potential impact is associated with the level of permissions that the inactive policy version has. This could range from no privilege escalation at all to gaining full administrator access to the AWS account, depending on what the inactive policy versions have access to.
Potential Impact: This attack would give an attacker access to the set of permissions that the instance profile/role has, which again could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access of the AWS account.
Potential Impact: This method would give an attacker the same level of permissions as any user they were able to create an access key for, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Potential Impact: This method would give an attacker the same level of permissions as any user they were able to create a login profile for, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Potential Impact: This method would give an attacker the same level of permissions as any user they were able to update the login profile for, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Description: An attacker with the iam:AttachUserPolicy permission can escalate privileges by attaching a policy to a user that they have access to, adding the permissions of that policy to the attacker.
Description: An attacker with the iam:AttachGroupPolicy permission can escalate privileges by attaching a policy to a group that they are a part of, adding the permissions of that policy to the attacker.
Description: An attacker with the iam:AttachRolePolicy permission can escalate privileges by attaching a policy to a role that they have access to, adding the permissions of that policy to the attacker.
Description: An attacker with the iam:PutUserPolicy permission can escalate privileges by creating or updating an inline policy for a user that they have access to, adding the permissions of that policy to the attacker.
Potential Impact: Due to the ability to specify an arbitrary policy document with this method, the attacker could specify a policy that gives permission to perform any action on any resource, ultimately escalating to full administrator privileges in the AWS environment.
Description: An attacker with the iam:PutGroupPolicy permission can escalate privileges by creating or updating an inline policy for a group that they are a part of, adding the permissions of that policy to the attacker.
Description: An attacker with the iam:PutRolePolicy permission can escalate privileges by creating or updating an inline policy for a role that they have access to, adding the permissions of that policy to the attacker.
Potential Impact: The attacker would be able to gain privileges of any existing group in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Potential Impact: This would give the attacker the privileges that are attached to any role in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Description: A user with the iam:PassRole, lambda:CreateFunction, and lambda:InvokeFunction permissions can escalate privileges by passing an existing IAM role to a new Lambda function that includes code to import the relevant AWS library to their programming language of choice, then using it perform actions of their choice. The code could then be run by invoking the function through the AWS API.
Potential Impact: This would give a user access to the privileges associated with any Lambda service role that exists in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Description: A user with the iam:PassRole, lambda:CreateFunction, and lambda:CreateEventSourceMapping (and possibly dynamodb:PutItem and dynamodb:CreateTable) permissions, but without the lambda:InvokeFunction permission, can escalate privileges by passing an existing IAM role to a new Lambda function that includes code to import the relevant AWS library to their programming language of choice, then using it perform actions of their choice. They then would need to either create a DynamoDB table or use an existing one, to create an event source mapping for the Lambda function pointing to that DynamoDB table. Then they would need to either put an item into the table or wait for another method to do so that the Lambda function will be invoked.
Potential Impact: This would give an attacker access to the privileges associated with any Lambda service role that exists in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Potential Impact: This would give an attacker access to the privileges associated with the Lambda service role that is attached to that function, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Potential Impact: This would give an attacker access to the privileges associated with any Glue service role that exists in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Potential Impact: This would give an attacker access to the privileges associated with the role attached to the specific Glue development endpoint, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Description: An attacker with the iam:PassRole and cloudformation:CreateStack permissions would be able to escalate privileges by creating a CloudFormation template that will perform actions and create resources using the permissions of the role that was passed when creating a CloudFormation stack.
Potential Impact: This would give an attacker access to the privileges associated with the role that was passed when creating the CloudFormation stack, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Description: An attacker with the iam:PassRole, datapipeline:CreatePipeline, and datapipeline:PutPipelineDefinition permissions would be able to escalate privileges by creating a pipeline and updating it to run an arbitrary AWS CLI command or create other resources, either once or on an interval with the permissions of the role that was passed in.
Potential Impact: This would give the attacker access to the privileges associated with the role that was passed when creating the pipeline, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.
Using the script (Github available here), it is possible to detect what users have access to what privilege escalation methods in an AWS environment. It can be run against any single user or every user in the account if the access keys being used have IAM read access. Results output is in csv, including a breakdown of users scanned and the privilege escalation methods they are vulnerable to.
When opened in Excel, the left-most column contains the names of all the privilege escalation methods that were checked for and the top-most row includes the names of all the IAM users that were checked.
Here is an example .csv output of the scan I ran against a test environment. This sandbox environment has 10 separate IAM users, two of which already have administrator privileges (Dave and Spencer) and two are not vulnerable to any of the privilege escalation methods (Bill and BurpS3Checker).
One of these modules will be a similar privilege escalation scanner, with the option to exploit any vulnerable account automatically. This following video shows Pacu identifying a privilege escalation route and exploiting it for immediate AWS administrator access.
Rhino Security Labs is a top penetration testing and security assessment firm, with a focus on cloud pentesting (AWS, GCP, Azure), network pentesting, web application pentesting, and phishing.With manual, deep-dive engagements, we identify security vulnerabilities which put clients at risk.
The fact that iam:PassRole is both a facilitator of critical privilege escalation and a permission for which it is remarkably difficult to monitor, control and create policies presents a problem for security teams.
To determine which PassRole permissions are actually being used, we decided to leverage CloudTrail and other activity logs. Close examination of the logs helps us understand the overprivileged policies in place and strip them down to least-privilege without breaking usability.
To audit IAM permissions, we searched customer CloudTrail logs and the AWS API for all references to role. We filtered the identified actions for non-read-only actions, identified role-containing parameters, iterated the process with the role-containing parameters and then checked actions manually in high-risk services for requiring PassRole. Note that for actions not checked manually, we erred on the side of over-permission when compiling this general-use list. We suggest that you use this list not as a be-all-end-all solution, rather, as a starting point for exploring PassRole least-privilege. 2ff7e9595c